Bring Back The Light

Looking back, what would you consider your frontier moment? What personal experiences inspired a change in your life that led you in a new direction and catalyzed your current path? 

At the age of forties, there are 2 things which I can freshly remember from my childhood memories: The River and The Fireflies.

I remember spending time almost every day in the afternoon in my village to bath, swimming with my friends, washing clothes and brought fresh water  back home.

Because I had the opportunity to live without electricity, I barely remember seeing and playing with fireflies every night in my home yard, in the garden and the rice field.

I Wayan Wardika

Founder Of Rumah Konservasi Kunang-Kunang and initiator of Bring Back The Light

This flashing memories always invite me to that nostalgic moments surrounded by the jewels of the night.

My childhood experience is totally different to the current situation to our village, where they were full of plastic. This event was finally lead into my calling into waste management world, just to make the river clean. And thanks God, not only the river clean, but also make Taro village awarded as one of the best waste management system based on community involvement in 2000 by the governor of Bali.

And later I find out, that this activity has a very strong contribution to the fireflies population.

Fireflies was considered as an indicator of a clean air, non-contaminated water and healthy fertile soil. The existence of fireflies is strongly related to the quality of the environment.

Thinking of the theme of possibility, where would you like to see the planet 100 years from now? Please describe your vision for the world in a century and what you hope could be reality. (This can be somewhat specific to your work/interests/focus if you’d like.)

Well, to be honest I see the world right now is in the middle of a junction, and each junction can bering us into 2 different direction.

The first one is where we continue with destructive actions toward nature, where we focus on exploiting its resources, this road may lead us to destination where the human being is facing difficult situation where food is become super expensive and very much depending on synthetic substance to develop.

But I see a brighter centuries ahead where sky is fill with stars and earth full of fireflies, like a silent symphony at night. Because we are taking regenerative action in our fulfilment for the food and every body raised awareness to take care of mother nature and preserving all the natural resources. Because all what we have in common is earth right?

So looking at the junction we all standing now, we are inviting to all of us to take step to the later one, where every one of us contribute to whatever possible to save our planet and preserve its natural resources available. So our generation don’t only live for the next 100 years, but thousands of centuries ahead. That is one mission on my company at Wise Organic is strongly holding on